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York 4-point Assessment Rubric high school

Download a copy of the York 4-point assessment rubric here.

Student &

Teacher Evaluation

Level Descriptor

Task Details

Standard(s) being assessed:



The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below or there is no evidence of learning.

Descriptor menu: work is missing



  • Does not meet grade level expectations even with significant support.
  • Learning is basic, limited, and contains many significant gaps or misunderstandings.
  • Opinions or judgments are rarely justified and lack detail.
  • Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking.
  • Rarely applies knowledge and skills without significant support.
  • Unable to transfer basic knowledge to unfamiliar situations.
  • Restates knowledge without interpretation, explanation, elaboration, or application.

Bloom’s Level: recall, state, tell, list, match, label, choose, define, select, name

Descriptor menu: limited, rarely, little, no, basic, missing, without, lacking, below, inaccurate, inappropriate, insufficient,




  • Meets grade level expectations with limited support.
  • Produces work of an acceptable quality.
  • Communicates developing understanding of many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps.
  • Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking.
  • Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring some support even in familiar classroom situations.

Bloom’s Level: outline, describe, summarize, extend, rephrase, use, show

Descriptor menu: adequate, acceptable, partial, appropriate, somewhat, satisfactory,




  • Consistently and independently meets grade level expectations.
  • Produces generally good-to-high-quality work.
  • Communicates solid understanding of concepts and contexts.
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication.
  • Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-world situations.
  • May use knowledge and skills in some unfamiliar real-world situations, with or without support.
  • Suggests solutions to problems set in unfamiliar situations / contexts
  • Sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with examples and explanations.

Bloom’s Level: analyze, classify, model, formulate, explain, solve, interpret, discuss, build, compare, infer

Descriptor menu: competently, sufficiently, substantially, coherently, logically, considerable, thoughtfully, accurately, relevant, organized,




  • Exceeds grade level expectations in a creative and innovative manner.
  • Produces high-quality or innovative work.
  • Communicates extensive or nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts (multiple perspectives).
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication.
  • Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar classroom and real-world situations, often with independence.
  • Transfers knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations.
  • Effectively utilizes different modes of communication (written, spoken, graphic).
  • Perceptively compares and contrasts by making extensive connections.

Bloom’s Level: evaluate, judge, assess, critique, value, prioritize, justify, prove, verify, predict, adapt, combine, compose, design, improve, invent, synthesize

Descriptor menu: perceptive, detailed, sophisticated, sustained, coherent, logical, excellent, high degree, extensive, precise, thorough, focused, completely, consistently, concise,